Sunday, December 6, 2009

Room Visual Boy Is It Something Wrong For A 12 And 14 Year Old Boy To Masturbate Together...?

Is it something wrong for a 12 and 14 year old boy to masturbate together...? - room visual boy

Both masturbate, and we have done in the same room once ... We are both close to ........... It has a bunk bed, so he had no visual, but some wrong with us? We both agreed that you can never tell. but we are cuzins And we are not gay or BI ABSOULOUTLY .... but we are cousins and best friends, I get help?
Many thanks and a blessed day .... PO I am 12 years old and he 14th


hope2hel... said...

Not bad at all - please read over all: ...

We have at least one question per day here on this topic, it is clearly a common interest. Cousins are wonderful to share their sexual experiences - we do not live in the same house the whole time, but close enough that there is a lot of confidence with their families. Many children learn about masturbation from a cousin. If you are happy to see this experience - and each other, if desired.

What do we want a blessed day - the same thing for you, and many more of them :-)

Légít.☮ said...

No wonder they are both out of curiosity. This does not determine your sexuality, unless you want to make sex with him. In addition, you should not worry. Everyone is curious and all these experiences with their curiosity in different ways. But I think it's a little strange that it was his cousin.

EmilyLad... said...

I do not think it's weird. Adolescent boys are curious and they both sound pretty innocent to me. If something happens to stop the least bit unpleasant - albeit slightly - as they must, and an adult. Remember, there is no doubt that the silly or embarrassed to bring parents, doctor, teacher or other trusted adult to. I promise.

Marq JPAA said...

At his age it is very, very normal.

Is early puberty, puberty is late - and puberty is just a hormonal wave after another.

At his age, you also worry about this. Seriously, most kids do at your age, and that does not mean you're gay or bi.

Clint said...

At this age, it is not uncommon, though most people admit it or not.

I am gay, and I heard a lot of straight guys (usually when they are drunk) to give with beating another man.

What makes you gay, is attracted to men, not women.

Niki said...

I think it is good as long as you are! materbated my cousin in front of me and I was totally cool with it. So yes, the problem in my opinion.

Niki said...

I think it is good as long as you are! materbated my cousin in front of me and I was totally cool with it. So yes, the problem in my opinion.

Rachel said...

Yes, I must say, I think it is a little unusual. MAYBE understand if someone other than your cousin, but is much more alien.

Jon said...

where I is perfectly normal to do when you feel better, not worry, its just experamenting

Barcode said...

There is nothing wrong. No big deal. Most children are curious and want to experiment, and I do not know unless you try.

Laura D said...

I see no problem. It's a bit strange, but everyone has to keep stories about masturbation to only for himself. =)

rapmusic... said...

Nothing wrong at all.

They do not, they should more often.

cosmican... said...

"It is rare, but as has been said that until you have sexual fantasies about him was just an experiment

Mr. Brutally Honest said...

Sorry, but it is very rare and unusual.

Nick E said...

If it is not dat then you are a GAY FAG

GatorBoy said...

advertising is that

Anthony said...

whos lower on the bed?

Id like to that person

a.h said...

Although both of which we can see u .. UR not good .. sorry .. I hope wen u can laugh at both themselves: S

2008 said...

Yeah thats creepy .... should leave

Jared said...

.. Yeah, that's strange

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